Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Incubator & Me

At birth, I was a premature baby.  When in month seven, I was born.  The normal babies were in the womb for nine months.  Maybe I was too excited want to see the outside world. Hehehe. I was just joking. I was told by my mama that my size when I was born very small. Just wondering how small it is because my mama said that my size during birth just a little bit bigger than a kitten…so how come? That’s the greatness of the power of the all-powerful creator. Our Allah s.w.t…

                                                Source: Google Image

I was placed in an incubator for 3 months and a half. Incubator actually is a technology to help the newborn that are premature. The main function is to give a save and stable environment to the infant baby. This machine also used to avoid the infant baby from the possible danger.

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Incubators are fully temperature controlled that shielding infants from harmful cold. Besides, it also provides insulation from outside noise, making it easier for them to get plenty of comfortable rest. Sine I only sleep in my mama’ tummy for seven months, so I spent the rest in the incubator. I am not sure how the feeling been inside it ..hehehe..

Source: Google Image

Incubator environments can be kept sterile, protecting infants from germs and minimizing the risk of infection. It is because the premature newborn very fragile and they easily exposed to the risk. The enclosure also keeps out all airborne irritants like dust and other allergens. The structure of the incubator is a roomy and comfortable surface, so it's possible to leave the infant in place while many examinations and even simple medical procedures are administered.

No wonder my baba always said that when he came to visit me at the hospitals, I always sleep. ^-^. This incubator will protects infants from too much handling, which can be a concern in the case of some premature births. But not only human have the incubator, they also incubator for chicken egg, chicken and bacteria….

Here some funny video of the cute baby for you to enjoy it... Have fun ^-*

Source: YouTube

This will make any father release from their workload at office. Nothing worthwhile than seeing the children happy, laugh and excited to see their parents. with the smile and voice...very calming..

Source: YouTube


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