Saturday, 25 May 2013

Blood Washing Machine

I had an experienced deal with haemodialysis machine. My late father had passed away for about 13 years. He died caused to failure of his kidney. He had suffered for this disease almost 7 years.  Each of the patients need to go this treatment for three (3) times per week. Every session will carry about four (4) hours.  The schedules for my father are on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. 

Source: Google Image

The hemodialysis is a common alternative to treat permanent kidney failure. Healthy kidneys will clean our blood by removing extra fluid, minerals, and wastes. They also make hormones that keep our bones become strong and for healthy blood. When our kidneys fail to operate, harmful wastes build up in our body, and then our blood pressure may rise. Consequently, our body may hold excess fluid and distort the process of making red blood cells. When this happens, we need treatment to replace the work of our failed kidneys. It is like a washing machine for a blood. When there is a problem with the machine, it will let the doctor know by make a beep sound and the light will blink until the problem it solved. 

Source: Google Image

In hemodialysis, our blood is allowed to flow, a few ounces at a time, through a special filter that removes wastes and extra fluids. The clean blood is then returned to your body. Removing the harmful wastes and extra salt and fluids helps control your blood pressure and keep the proper balance of chemicals like potassium and sodium in your body.

However before it, the patient need to do a minor operation (arteriovenous/ AV fistula) to ensure their vascular access is ready. My father did that operation on his hand on the left side. It is because the patient cannot put a lot of pressure on this left hand because the veins might be interrupting and the blood flow will paused. Besides, my father also cannot wear the watch and also sleep with arm under his body. This operation will be done a few months before the patient go for hemodialysis. Inside the machine is alike below:

The doctor will create an AV fistula by connecting an artery directly to a vein, frequently in the forearm. Connecting the artery to the vein causes more blood to flow into the vein. As a result, the vein grows larger and stronger, making repeated needle insertions for hemodialysis treatments easier. For the surgery, you’ll be given a local anaesthetic. In most cases, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.

The basic things when I help my father to prepare for the hemodialysis are get two thick needles, cotton, white tape, utilities box and a box of water. The most painful part while I saw the preparation of the hemodialysis is when needle sticks. Sometimes, my father cannot find the veins, the blood will sprinkle out. Actually there are two needles where first for the blood to flow out and the second one to bring the blood in.

The process of the dialysis machine as below

Friday, 24 May 2013

Resort Sotware

Resort Software is a system used in hotel industry that have  five (5) different features which are Resort Recipe, Resort Chef, Resort Bistro, Resort Executive and Resort Restaurant. Resort Chef is specifically been used to calculate the cost and the final price of the food. Resort Chef is a powerful and also very easy to use. It is a recipe management program aimed at both professional chefs and recreational/domestic cooks. The students also may download it for trial about 30 days.

Source: Personal own

The first step is by creating a new database or just by opening an existing database.
  • Creating new database

1.   Select the New option from the File menu 
2.    Click the Save button
3.    Resort Chef will create the new database and open it ready for work
4.    Fill up the empty vessel with the ingredient and recipe information

  • Opening an existing database

1.    Select the Open button on the toolbars 
2.    Find the directory or folder where the database is located
3.    Click Open button
4.    Then we can press any button as intended to our interest
·         Import some data into this database from another Resort Chef/Resort Kitchen database.
·         Create new ingredients or modify existing ingredients.  

Source: Personal own

·         Create new recipes or modify existing recipes

Source: Personal own

Source: Personal own

Source: Personal own

·         Create new menus or modify existing menus

·         Create new suppliers or modify existing suppliers.

Source: Personal own

Source: Personal own

Source: Personal own

Source: Personal own

Source: Personal own

·         Print some reports on the existing information contained in this database. 

Source: Personal own

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Interactive ordering system in Inamo Restaurant

The first impression when I entered a restaurant, I will imagine what I want to order to fill my rumbling stomach. Sometimes I intend to order a few dishes but in reality I am rarely been able to finish a full plate of fried rice… When I am in the restaurant, I always will have a look on their floor, equipment, attire of the worker and their attitude. Sometimes I had to wait until 30 minutes to be entertained by the workers to take my order.

There is a technology that designed for the restaurant operation called interactive ordering system. It is a system where the customer can see and order the intended food through a few tap on the touchpad. Well,  a few restaurants in Malaysia should have this kind of ordering system used by Inamo Restaurant from London. This system can encounter with the problem such as idle time and others. In my opinion, the owner of the restaurant can save money in the long term because they didn’t need a large number or workers since the ordering system are using by system. The restaurant also only needs a few workers to send the order only. 


The other feature that amazed me is where the customer may adjust and setting what kind of environment they want. The visual on the table can be changes depend on the preference of the customers. When the customers are ready to make an order, they just need to tap the touchpad.  During the preparation of the food, the customer may see what is happens in the kitchen through the touchpad. 



A projector above each table beams down icons for browsing the menu, ordering food, and checking up on the bill. The plate stays blank until customers use a touchpad to open the menu and click on items. Once a dish is chosen, the order's sent to the kitchen. While customers waiting for their food, they can play games such as battleship and those wrapping up their meals can order a taxi or browse the interactive subway map.

                            Source: YouTube

Incubator & Me

At birth, I was a premature baby.  When in month seven, I was born.  The normal babies were in the womb for nine months.  Maybe I was too excited want to see the outside world. Hehehe. I was just joking. I was told by my mama that my size when I was born very small. Just wondering how small it is because my mama said that my size during birth just a little bit bigger than a kitten…so how come? That’s the greatness of the power of the all-powerful creator. Our Allah s.w.t…

                                                Source: Google Image

I was placed in an incubator for 3 months and a half. Incubator actually is a technology to help the newborn that are premature. The main function is to give a save and stable environment to the infant baby. This machine also used to avoid the infant baby from the possible danger.

                                                      Source: Google Image

Incubators are fully temperature controlled that shielding infants from harmful cold. Besides, it also provides insulation from outside noise, making it easier for them to get plenty of comfortable rest. Sine I only sleep in my mama’ tummy for seven months, so I spent the rest in the incubator. I am not sure how the feeling been inside it ..hehehe..

Source: Google Image

Incubator environments can be kept sterile, protecting infants from germs and minimizing the risk of infection. It is because the premature newborn very fragile and they easily exposed to the risk. The enclosure also keeps out all airborne irritants like dust and other allergens. The structure of the incubator is a roomy and comfortable surface, so it's possible to leave the infant in place while many examinations and even simple medical procedures are administered.

No wonder my baba always said that when he came to visit me at the hospitals, I always sleep. ^-^. This incubator will protects infants from too much handling, which can be a concern in the case of some premature births. But not only human have the incubator, they also incubator for chicken egg, chicken and bacteria….

Here some funny video of the cute baby for you to enjoy it... Have fun ^-*

Source: YouTube

This will make any father release from their workload at office. Nothing worthwhile than seeing the children happy, laugh and excited to see their parents. with the smile and voice...very calming..

Source: YouTube


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Multi Purpose Keyboard

Keyboard is a part of the hardware need to be used together to express what the people want. With the pace of the changing technology, it will make work become easier. The solution is the creation of the E-Inkey keyboard. E-Inkey is a keyboard whereby it could set the standard for the next generation of keyboards. Means that for any software, the icon regards to the function will appear on the keyboard. E-Ink (electrophoretic ink) is a specific proprietary type of electronic paper manufactured by E Ink Corporation.  

Source: Google Image

Every key on the keyboard has an E-ink screen on it which means they can change the icon according to the software we will see on them. So when we are in a program like Photoshop, the keys could change to Photoshop shortcuts which would help us greatly when performing action.  It does not available to Photoshop, it also can be apply to basically any other program too. The idea is so brilliant but simple too. With E-Ink being a lot cheaper than having actual screens as keys, it could easily be pretty affordable.

Below show the layer of the E-Inkey keyboard. It contains four (4) layers of different materials. 

As we can see, the icon will appear according to the type of software. The position is still the same with QWERTY keyboard. So the people may memorize it better since it use the same place. 

Automatic Link: Car Controller

Rapid changes in technology development, most of the car in the world nowadays equipped with on-board-computers. Car also not excluded with this technology whereby the computers system can give the driver information about the car. For example the average miles per gallon (MPG), average speed and how many miles we had left in the tank.

Source: Google Image

This kind of technology really helpful especially for women that find difficulties to predict the miles of their car. However, that on-board-computer has its limits and sometimes won’t give us as detailed information as we want. This problem trigger the creation by Automatic where the car are connected to our smartphone by take the cars on-board-computer to the next level. The device called ‘Automatic Link’ which connects to this data port.

Source: Google Image

Source: Google Image

Automatic Link will be connected to our smartphone through Bluetooth. Then, the Automatic application will provide the information about our car. Once all the connection is connected, we will get more information about car and our driving also. Based on the information gathered, the system will let us know about our style of driving and also will help us how to safe fuel.

Source: Google Image

The information will be delivered via a little speaker built-in to the Automatic device. It will create a sound when we braking too hard or accelerating too harshly. The application will store information about our driving so over the week we can see how many MPG we did, how many miles we did, how long or short a journey was, and it will even track local petrol prices so we can track how much you’re spending.

Source: Google Image

The other feature is that Automatic can detect a crash. It has an accelerometer built-in that can detect a crash. It’ll then automatically use your phone and report the crash to 911 with your name, location and vehicle. After it’s done that, it’ll even text your loved ones to tell them what’s happened. All for free. It also will give you information about your engine, whether you have any engine problems and the ability to show you were you parked because it has GPS built into the unit. Most smartphones now come with Bluetooth 4.0 and the ‘Automatic Link’ uses that technology so you can be assured your battery won’t be murdered whilst it’s connected. 

Learning Golf with Fujitsu

The learning process of golf is not easy. It involves a plan and technique so the ball will go below the par. For those that want to learn golf with properly may use the creation of the technology by the Fujitsu. The technology been developed by Fujitsu and Kajiro Watanabe (as shown below) which is the President of Sensing Control Lab.

Source: Google Image

This technology functioning as it measures the body motion with three dimensions (3D) views of a person that carrying a mobile phone. ETGA Swing Lesson was exhibited at CEATEC JAPAN 2009. This mobile phone application was developed under the supervision of professional golfer which is Tadashi Ezure (as shown below).

Source: Google Image

Source: Google Image

This technology will let the golf player to check their golf swing through their mobile phone. In order to ensure this application run smoothly, the mobile phone need to place in a specific carrying case and attached to the player’s lower back.

Source: Google Image

Later, the phone will automatically determine and measures the state of the swing. Afterwards, the user can follow guidance provided by touch-panel to display the measurements, along with advice. After the diagnosis, the user can get simple, clear advice for each swing measured. So it’s like having a comprehensive swing lesson directly from a professional golfer.

Source: Google Image

Source: You Tube